Call for papers


The themes of the conference will cover (but not limited to):

  1. Hydrogen and Renewable Low Carbon Fuels
  2. Advanced Energy Storage
  3. Waste Carbon Resource Utilization
  4. Climate Policy and Finance
  5. Decarbonization and CCUS
  6. Smart Energy towards Carbon Neutrality
  7. Ecosystem Carbon Sink and Environmental Governance
  8. Green Building and Low Carbon City


Submission Deadline

31 May 2023 31 August 2023: Extended abstract Submission Deadline


Procedure for Submission

1. Two-page extended abstract for ICCN-2023 should be submitted online to the submission center of ICCN-2023. (

2. Please use the following template when preparing your Extended abstract.

Extended abstract template



Publication in Journal

Selected high quality papers from ICCN-2023 proceedings will be further reviewed and published in the journal Carbon Neutrality (